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Where Did These Bed Bugs In My Orange County, CA Home Come From?

bed bugs on a mattress

When bed bugs appear in your Orange County, CA home, it can cause you to be more than a little bit unsettled. It can also have you scratching your head and wondering how these bugs got into your home. Today, we’re talking about how bed bugs get inside of your home so that you can make the right choices for treatment and prevention.

The Nature of Bed Bugs

Indoor Pest — Are you aware that bed bugs are not outside pests? It’s true. They don’t live in your yard, and they don’t come in through your exterior walls. That means you can have the most effective bed bug control plan in the world and still get bed bugs. These insects get into a home by hitchhiking. They do this in bags, on clothing, inside furniture, and more.

When Bed Bugs Are Active — You may have heard that bed bugs are nocturnal. While this is mostly true, they can be active in the daytime if they are in a dark location. They may even switch their activity to feed during the day in a location where food resources are only present during the day, such as a dark movie theater.

Bed Bugs And Dirty Homes — There is a stigma connected to having bed bugs because many people think that bed bugs only infest dirty homes. This is not true. Bed bugs aren’t attracted to filth or bacteria. They will infest any home where they can find a blood meal, no matter how clean it is. That means anyone can have a bed bug infestation.

What Attracts Bed Bugs — Bed bugs are drawn to the scent of humans, carbon dioxide, and heat. They also prefer tight spaces because it makes them feel safe.

How Bed Bugs Spread

Using what we’ve learned so far, let’s talk about how bed bugs spread from one location to another.

  • Bed bugs leave one area of indoor infestation and hitch a ride to another indoor area.
  • Bed bugs disperse passively. They are naturally drawn to items that smell like humans, and they are naturally drawn to items that give them a place to hide. Once inside these items, they are moved to another location accidentally.
  • Bed bugs can get into an item during the day if it is in a dark location.
  • Bed bugs can transfer from one item to another in a lighted area if the items are touching.
  • Bed bugs are attracted to creases, recesses, seams, stitching, pockets, gaps, book bindings, cracks, and other hiding places. They’re also attracted to the scent of human skin. Laundry items can draw bed bugs if they are not kept in sealed plastic bags, such as a trash bag with a bread tie on the top. And any item that has a hiding place should be routinely checked for bed bugs, such as school book bags, duffel bags, and pocketbooks.
  • Bed bugs can lay eggs in items. These eggs can hatch on their own without the mother bed bug. It is important to be able to recognize bed bug eggs when you see them. They are pale in color and about 1 mm in length. They may be individuals or in small batches.

Do You Have a Bed Bug Infestation?

If bed bugs have gotten into your home, it can be extremely difficult to get rid of them. One of the most effective treatments for bed bugs is fumigation services. If you have questions about how fumigation works, or why it is often the best solution for bed bugs, reach out to our professionals at The PEST Group. We’d be happy to answer your questions and find the best treatment to ensure your home is PEST FREE!

Call us at (888) 298-0465 or click here to get a free quote.

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