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From Annoying To Nonexistent: Mastering Fly Control Methods In Your Orange County Home

a fly that landed in a home

Fly control for the house is simpler than you may think. It’s also a far more important part of pest control for your home than you may think. 

Flies may seem relatively benign when they’re just buzzing around the house, but as you’re about to find out, they’re anything but harmless. 

This post will walk you through key topics regarding pest control in Orange County for your home, including the fly life cycle, the health risks of flies, and effective prevention tips you can start using right away. Let’s get started. 

The Life Cycle Of Flesh Flies: Their Reproduction And Habits

So, what is the life cycle of flies? How long do house flies live, specifically flesh flies? Flesh flies, one of the most common types of house flies you’ll see in the Orange County area, have quite a short lifespan: around 20 days. 

The fly life cycle, in general, consists of eggs, multiple larval stages, the pupa stage, and, finally, adulthood. This life cycle, combined with their relatively short lifespan, necessitates rapid reproduction.  

Female flies can lay up to 40 eggs at once, and they can potentially lay hundreds of eggs over the course of their entire lifetime; this means your home could quickly become overrun with flies, and unfortunately, flies also bring health risks. 

Health Risks Related To Fly Infestations: Protecting Your Well-Being

Let’s briefly cover how flies can bring health risks into your home. To start, do flies bite? The answer depends on the species, but to be clear, fly bites aren’t what you need to worry about when it comes to health risks. 

The much more realistic concern is the spreading of potentially dangerous germs. Basically, flies come into contact with many different surfaces, meaning they risk coming into contact with germs. 

As flies move around your home and land on various surfaces, they contaminate those surfaces with any germs they happen to be carrying with them. Different types of flies can spread different types of diseases, and certain diseases are specifically dangerous to humans. 

To bring these risks to an end, fly control and prevention are essential. 

Creating A Fly-Free Environment: Tips And Strategies For Prevention

If you’re wondering how to prevent flies, then we recommend using these tips to create a fly-free environment in your home: 

  • Make sure your trash bins close tightly. 
  • Avoid letting food fall into the drain. 
  • Replace or repair damaged window screens. 
  • Keep food in airtight containers and cover food left in the open. 
  • If you have a cat, clean its litter box regularly. 
  • Replace old weather stripping on doors and windows. 

Sticking to these simple steps can drastically reduce the chances of experiencing a fly infestation in the future. If you do notice flies in your home, make sure to regularly clean and sanitize surfaces in your kitchen and eating area. Now, let’s talk about how to get rid of flies for good. 

Getting Rid Of Flies: When To Call In The Experts

Last but not least, here’s how you can get rid of flies. The simplest, most convenient, and most effective option for fly control is to partner with a professional pest control company in your area. 

DIY fly control tends to be ineffective, but professionals have dealt with fly infestations many times before, and they have the equipment needed to eliminate a fly presence in your home. Meanwhile, you can relax knowing the problem will be resolved as soon as possible. 

Reach out today for help with flies, and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Orange County.

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